Generation Good by Seventh Generation: Stand up for accurate labeling.

As part of The Generation Good by Seventh Generation community, I learned that the average woman uses 16,000 tampons over time, and that no federal law requires makers to disclose the ingredients in them. Protecting the right to know is important for all women in our lives. Learn more about this! #comeclean #generationgood Unbelievably, no federal law exists which requires disclosure of ingredients in tampons and pads. This means women are left in the dark about what ingredients they are putting on some of the most sensitive and absorptive tissue on their body. That’s why Women's Voices for the Earth and Seventh Generation are happy to report that Representative Grace Meng is planning to re-introduce a bill to require disclosure of the ingredients used in feminine products. And on May 23, women from across the country will gather on Capitol Hill to send Congress a...